
What Every New Homeowner Needs To Know Before Winter

What Every New Homeowner Needs To Know Before Winter

Old man winter is on his way, but do not fear new homeowners! With a bit planning and some quality time, you’ll have your house ready to face the long winter months ahead in no time at all.

5 Fall Jobs Every New Homeowner Needs To Do

1. Exterior water spigots: turn them off

Avoid the catastrophe of a burst pipe by double and triple checking that all outside water sources are firmly turned off...

Raking, Yard Waste, Gutter Cleaning: How To Ease Your Way Into Autumn

Raking, Yard Waste, Gutter Cleaning: How To Ease Your Way Into Autumn

September. With it’s back-to-school, back-to-routines, back-to-short days and long nights—autumn always promises to be a full time of year. It's also the time of year when your house and yard require a significant amount of maintenance and prep for that long winter that’s coming. We've rounded up some helpful, 'round-the-house info that's sure to help ease your way into this cooler weather. 

What to do with all that yard waste

In the greater Twin Cities area, you have four choices for yard waste disposal: composting, munching,curbside pick-up, or drop-off sites. Each city has its own rules, but overall we found...

You Can Outsmart Winter

Prep Your Home For A Nice and Cozy Winter

A little prep around the home and yard now will save you trouble in a few weeks when the wind and snow are blowing outside. 

Deal with your dryer

If lint is allowed to build up inside your dryer’s ducts, your dryer is one household machine just waiting to burst into flames. Preventing this is all-too easy—as long as we homeowners remember to do it! Now is a good time to clean out the duct to ensure air can move freely through the duct. If your dryer has a flammable vinyl duct, replace it with a safer metal option.

Clean out your gutters

After the trees in your yard have shed the majority of their leaves for the season, now is the ideal time to clean out your home’s gutters and downspouts. Clogged gutters are one of the major causes of ice damns. Taking a few hours now—while the weather is still good—can save you some serious heartache later. If you find your gutters cracking and in need of replacement, give us a call and we’ll head out to your home to give you a free estimate.

Fuel up your snowblower

Remember that dusty snowblower hiding in the back corner of the garage? Well, it’s time to dust that beauty off and get it ready for the first big snowfall. Go to the trouble now of fueling it up so you aren’t caught with a dead snowblower in the middle of this year’s first winter blizzard. 

Have your chimney swept

According to The National Fire Protection Association, they recommend that home chimneys are swept at least once a year—ideally at the beginning of winter—to remove soot and debris. Find yourself a certified chimney sweep in your area on the Chimney Safety Institute of America.

Once you’ve put in a bit of work prepping your home for winter, it’s time to kick your feet up by the fire and relax. Winter’s on its way!

4 Home Maintenance Projects To Check Off Your List This Autumn

Caring for your house this fall 

Labor Day has come and gone, the kids are back in school, the air has a crispness about it, and all of that means that autumn is officially on it’s way. With the coming of fall, every homeowner knows it’s an important time to do some regular home maintenance. 

Here are four important fall maintenance projects for your house that you’ll want to be sure to check off your list. 

1. Clean your AC unit

Switch off your central AC unit and then go outside to take a look at your AC. Clean out any debris like leaves or twigs that may have accumulated over the summer months. If your AC unit has a drip pan, don’t forget to drain the pan. Finally, cover the unit with a fitted cover for winter storage. It’s not a bad idea to secure the cover with an extra bungee cord to make sure it’s nice and secure. By simply performing annual cleanings, the experts say you can knock 10-15% off your summer cooling costs!

2. Inspect your roof for damage or leaks

Is there any homeowner problem that feels more overwhelming than a leaky roof? We encourage our neighbors and past clients to be proactive about their roofs—to stop the problems before they ever start. The best way to inspect your roof is to get up on it and have a look around. Look for curling, missing, or damaged shingles. Take a peek in the gutters. If you find more than a quarter-inch of asphalt grit—you may be in need of a new roof. 

3. Clean sweep your yard

Get out your rake and some yard-waste bags—you’re going to need them. Get started by removing leaves and debris from under your porch and any stairs. Notice any dead or broken limbs hanging from your trees? Help your trees out by giving them a good trim before the cold weather sets in. While you’re at it, it’s a great time to inspect your gutters for leaves and stray twigs. Check out this post for time-saving tips on cleaning your gutters.

4. Prep your heating system for winter

Did you have your furnace serviced or inspected last year? Expects suggest having the furnace inspected annually, or at least every other year. Take a few minutes to inspect the windows and doors in your house. Feel any substantial drafts? If you think you might be in need new windows, don’t hesitate to give us a call to schedule a free window-replacement estimate

Happy fall everyone!