Roof Maintenance

How To Know If Your Roof Has Hail Damage

How do I know if my roof has hail damage?

With the summer storm season quickly approaching, home and commercial business owners must be prepared for storms. Strong winds, falling tree branches, and heavy rain and hail—you never know what kind of a weather beating your home or business might have to take this season.

For asphalt roofing shingles, hail damage can cause soft spots or bruising. Granules are the hard, protective material that make up the surface layer of asphalt roofing shingles. When there’s any amount of hail impact, there’s bound to be some granule lose to your roof’s shingles. Too much granule loss will quickly effect the lifespan of your roof.

Another trick for determining if your roof has sustained hail damage is to start by checking your roofing vents. Often the metal venting systems will reflect significant hail damage. If we find evidence of damage to your roof vents, there’s typically a good chance your shingles have received damage from the hail as well.

You want to deal with hail damage right away

The damage caused by hail storms is particularly important to pay attention to. Hail damage is insidious by nature. This means that it may not cause further damage like leaking to your roof or house structure for many years to come. But for insurance purposes, it’s often best for home and business owners to get the damage checked out right away, just to be safe. Since it can be difficult to tell for certain about hail damage from the ground, we encourage folks to get your roof shingles, gutters, and siding inspected by a professional. 

Whether it was your roof, siding, or gutters that were effected by hail damage, we can help. Give us a call and Guy will personally come out and inspect your home or commercial business for storm damage. 

Photo credit.

6 Ways To Brace Yourself and Your Home For Winter

6 Ways To Brace Yourself and Your Home For Winter

The trees and shrubs around the Twin Cities are certainly showing off all their glorious fall color right now, aren’t they? Could the air feel any crisper? Could that warm beverage taste any more satisfying? There truly is something splendid about this time of year. 

While we don’t want to rush a single fall day away, we do want to help you as a homeowner think ahead to what's coming... winter. Here are six simple ways to brace yourself and your home for winter.  

Raking, Yard Waste, Gutter Cleaning: How To Ease Your Way Into Autumn

Raking, Yard Waste, Gutter Cleaning: How To Ease Your Way Into Autumn

September. With it’s back-to-school, back-to-routines, back-to-short days and long nights—autumn always promises to be a full time of year. It's also the time of year when your house and yard require a significant amount of maintenance and prep for that long winter that’s coming. We've rounded up some helpful, 'round-the-house info that's sure to help ease your way into this cooler weather. 

What to do with all that yard waste

In the greater Twin Cities area, you have four choices for yard waste disposal: composting, munching,curbside pick-up, or drop-off sites. Each city has its own rules, but overall we found...

Replace Your Siding: 4 Signs That Tell You It's Time

Replace Your Siding: 4 Signs That Tell You It's Time

Is it time to replace your home’s siding?

Your home’s siding works really hard. It does. It withstands snowstorms, rainstorms, windstorms, ice, and direct sunlight. And as it slowly ages, it will begin to break, crack, warp, or crumble. It’s all just a part of owning a home.

So as a homeowner, how do you know if it’s time to replace your home’s siding? Here are four signs you can watch for.

3 Ways To Keep Squirrels and Small Rodents Out of Your Home

3 Ways To Keep Squirrels and Small Rodents Out of Your Home

How to keep your house free of critters

As the season continues to bring cooler weather, outdoor critters think it’s the perfect time to make their way indoors — right into your home. And this is never fun for any homeowner.

If creepy critters are becoming a problem in your home, here are a couple of places to check to see if it’s how these unwanted guests are finding their way inside.

Fall Jobs Around The Home You Might Have Forgotten

dare to explore behind the fridge

It’s never a fun job to begin with, but it’s certainly important. Pull the refrigerator away from the wall and vacuum all the coils. Use a broom with a long handle to dust off those bottom coils. 

Deep clean your fridge 

Since you are showing the outside of the fridge some love, why not give the inside a little makeover, too? Right@home gives the most thorough and detailed instructions for how to easily deep clean your fridge and freezer. Go here for info and start defrosting.

Attack grimy blinds

Start by mixing 1 part water and 1 part vinegar in a bowl as suggested by right@home. Find an old, unwanted sock, slip it on your hand, dip into the vinegar mix, and then! Attack those dusty, dirty blinds! We suggest having the vacuum handy to swallow up all those extra dust bunnies that may be floating in the air.

Drain your water heater 

Before it gets cold, go ahead and drain your water heater to remove any sediment buildup that might have started in the holding tank. This article suggests that doing this simple task can improve your water heater’s efficiency by 50 percent.

Inspect your roof 

All these little projects for the inside of your home. What about the outside?

To inspect the health of your roof, carefully climb up on your roof and have a look around. Do you see any worn shingles or spots that might be deteriorating. If you see anything that concerns you, don’t hesitate to give Guy a call to come take a look.

What To Do About Bad Wood on Your Roof

What does bad wood look like anyway?

In this video, Guy takes us up on the roof to see just exactly what bad roofing beams look like.

On this roof, you'll see how the plywood is starting to delaminate. The glue inside is eating away, which means there are three or four different layers of wood that are coming apart. As Guy steps on the roofing planks, you can see how bendy and soft the plywood is.

Sometimes when roof wood is this bad the whole roof will need to be replaced, but not always. Fortunately for this home owner, as you’ll see, only a section of their roof needed to be replaced.

If you have questions about your roof, don't hesitate to give us a call.

What Insurance Companies Look For On Hail-Damaged Roofs

Will my insurance pay for the hail damage on my roof?

After a summer full of rain and hail storms many homeowners are turning to their insurance companies to see just how bad their roof damage is from these hail storms.

In this video, Guy takes you up on a roof with hail damage to show you exactly what inspectors are looking for. Take a look!

If you have questions about the health of your roof, don't hesitate to give us a call. We'd be happy to come by and take a look.

What You Can Do About Stress Cracks In Your Roofing Shingles

What causes stress cracks in shingles?

Stress cracks and fractures to the roof's shingles are caused by previous contractors using too aggressive of a shingle adhesive. When the house moves over time, the shingles aren't able to adjust with the house. This can lead to shingles cracking and breaking.

To show you exactly what a stress crack looks like, Guy took a short video when he was inspecting a customer's roof this fall. You can get a good understanding of what to look for by the examples in this video.

If your shingles have stress fractures and you are looking to replace your roof, there are different options to keep in mind. Depending on if you are the original owner of the house's roof, you might be eligible for a manufacturer's rebate on your shingles. Guy shares a couple of other options homeowners should consider, too. Be sure to take a look!

If your roof has stress fractures and you are looking to replace your roof, there are different options for you to keep in mind. Depending on if you are the original owner of the house's roof, you might be eligible for a manufacturer's rebate on these shingles. Guy shares a couple of other options homeowners should consider, too.

We're always happy to answer any roofing question you might have. We offer free estimates on any job, roofing, siding, window replacements, gutters, or snow removal. Just give us a call at 952.935.0557! We look forward to hearing from you.