How To Get Rid of Carpenter Ants In Your Home

What to do when you find carpenter ants

Are you finding carpenter ants crawling around in or outside your home? Besides from being gross and slightly frightening, these large ants are telling you something very important about the health of your roof. 

When you spot carpenter ants lurking around your home there's a good chance your sheeting or siding is getting wet and retaining water. Carpenter ants love to live where it's dark and moist. 

When our team works on roofs, we often find places where a gutter or kickout flashing wasn't installed properly. This is such a disservice to a homeowner. 

Here Guy shows a quick example of what some problem areas can look like.

If you think you may have problem areas with your siding, give Guy at call. He's happy to come out and take a look at your roof and siding.