Marvin windows vs. Hayfield windows

There are an array of reasons for why Eden Prairie homeowners decide to install new windows in their home.  

Sometimes the current windows are old and need to be replaced in order to protect the home.  

Other times homeowners simply want a more modern look to their windows.

Whatever the reason may be, shopping for new windows can be fun, but there are also things that Eden Prairie homeowners should consider before making a large investment.

First, there are several different types of windows available in the marketplace (click links below to see photos), including:

1. Casement – this is where the windows can be opened by rolling out the window with a handle.

2. Fixed – these types of windows cannot be opened.

3. Sliding – this is where the windows slide open and shut horizontally.

4. Double hung – In this case, the windows open and close vertically.

5. Awning – these types of windows jut out from the top of the window.

Of these five different types of windows, they’re all very efficient, and so when it comes to selecting which type of window to install, homeowners base that decision on the location of the window in the home, and also their personal preference.

As for which brands of windows are currently available, there are several:  

The most popular among homeowners in Eden Prairie are Marvin, Anderson, and Pella.  

There is also Hayfield, which does not have the brand name recognition of the aforementioned companies, but Hayfield still produces quality products.

“Hayfield does not get talked about as much as Marvin or Anderson does, but what I hear from experts in the window industry is that Hayfield’s products are just as durable and perform just as well as those of the big companies,” says Guy Grussing, owner of Grussing Roofing, a local company that has helped homeowners in Eden Prairie install windows for over 52 years.

“At the same time, there are legitimate reasons why a window like Marvin’s is priced higher than Hayfield’s is.”

One reason that Marvin windows are more expensive is because the exterior of Marvin windows is made of fiberglass, whereas Hayfield windows are made of aluminum.

Among window experts, fiberglass is reputed to be a superior product to aluminum, both for its look and efficiency.

“When wind hits the fiberglass of windows, the window becomes more resistant to the elements,” Grussing says.

“Aluminum can handle high winds effectively, but not to the same extent as the fiberglass that is installed on Marvin windows.”

Another reason Marvin windows are more expensive is because they produce more colors and have more options available than a smaller company like Hayfield.

“Some homeowners in Eden Prairie really like Marvin windows because there are so many different designs and color options available to them,” Grussing explains.

“But with Hayfield, some homeowners prefer the simplicity and not feeling overwhelmed with too many options. In that sense, it all depends on the homeowner and what kind of look they’re trying to achieve with their windows.”

Therefore, when it comes to deciding between installing a brand-name window like Marvin, or going with a less popular company like Hayfield, often homeowners in Eden Prairie will conduct a cost-benefit analysis to determine which brand of window better fits their budget and what they really want out of new windows.

“Marvin does manufacture slightly better windows than smaller companies like Hayfield, but with that comes a higher price tag, and again, from what I’ve learned over the years, whether homeowners install a Marvin or a Hayfield, the efficiency and longevity of each brand is practically the same,” Grussing explains.  

“That’s why I typically advise homeowners to choose the brand that works better for their budget, because if they’re willing to sacrifice a little bit on the vanity of the window, in many ways going with a more price-friendly window like Hayfield can give them the same satisfaction as if they spent more money to install Marvin.”

Regardless of which brand of windows a homeowner selects, they then have to find a reliable contractor in Eden Prairie who can install the windows.

At Grussing Roofing, not only have they been installing windows for over half a century, but they also go to lengths other contractors in Eden Prairie wouldn’t by offering no-obligation in-home consultations with their window distributor, Mike Kelly of Kelly Enterprise, which is based in Roseville.

“Some roofing companies will just send someone out to your home with a brochure and a tape measure, then come up with a quote,” Grussing says.

“We try to go the extra mile by offering homeowners an in-home consultation with Mike, where the goal is simply to provide as much information about windows as possible. We never pressure homeowners into buying something they don’t want or need, and that’s because we believe that an educated customer is ultimately a happy customer who feels confident with the purchase they have made.”

In addition to offering consultations on windows, if a homeowner elects to move forward with Grussing Roofing as their contractor for their window project, Mike Kelly and the person who will actually install the windows then will come back out to a client’s home to measure the dimensions of where the new window(s) will be installed.

“We do this because we don’t want any issues to occur on the day of install,” Grussing says.

“I’ve seen other companies who don’t do this have problems on the day of install because sometimes the windows they ordered end up being too small or too big. That creates headaches for everyone, so we avoid that by allowing the installer to familiarize themselves with the home and where they will be installing the windows, and that makes everything go smoothly.”

For context, lead times on windows are at about 12 weeks (as of winter 2023), making it even more imperative for contractors and window installers to have their measurements be precise.

“The last thing a homeowner wants is to wait three months for new windows, only to find out they then have to wait another three months because the windows they ordered don’t fit,” Grussing says.

“That’s why it is so crucial to work with a contractor in Eden Prairie who has experience ordering and installing windows, and will also take the extra steps to ensure that your project goes according to plan.” QS