How To Save Time and Clean Your Gutters This Fall

Get up there and clean your gutters

Cleaning your gutters is an important house project just waiting for you on your to-do list. Many of us try to push gutter cleaning until the end of autumn, when the very last leaf has fallen from the enormous tree in your backyard.

Why do we homeowners dread gutter cleaning so much?

Often it’s because it’s a task that feels so time consuming. But if you take half an hour every couple of weeks this fall and consistently clean out your gutters, it’ll make the job much easier in the long run!
Here’s what you’ll need to get up there and clean out your gutters:

  • A ladder
  • Gloves
  • A garbage bag to gather leafs and other small debris
  • A garden trowel
  • Watering hose

To begin, set the ladder an arms length away from your gutter’s downspout, tuck a garbage bag in your back pocket, hold the tools in your hand, then begin your climb up the ladder. Once there, take one handful at a time and begin to fill up the garage bag.
More than likely, the majority of what you’ll find in your gutters is from the asphalt shingles. This run off stuff can get pretty heavy when wet, so you make sure you get it out of your gutters now. If the dirt and debris are too hard to get up using just your hand, use the garden trowel.
Once you are finished clearing out a section, grab your hose and spray down the gutter and into the down spouts.

Give us a call

How are your gutters looking? Are they leaky or looking like they might need to be replaced soon? Give us a call at Grussing Roofing and we’ll swing by, take a look at your gutters and give you a free estimate. Don’t hesitate to give us a call with any roofing questions you have!

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Care For Your Roof Like An Expert In 3 Easy Steps

Caring for your roof like a pro

We see this happen all the time: a homeowner pays a good chunk of change for a new roof and then completely and utterly forgets about it. In fact, most homeowners don’t think about the health of their roof until there’s a big problem.

Spring and summer is the best time of year to make sure your roof is in tip-top shape. Since we don’t want you to be one of those “typical” homeowners who never thinks about their roof, we decided to put together a three-step checklist for you. These three easy steps will help you take care of your roof like a pro.

1. Keep an eye on your gutters

During the summer, when gutters become clogged with branches, leafs, or other debris, there's a good chance water will get sent up, under your roof. And while you're up on the ladder checking for debris, take a minute to make sure your gutters are firmly attached to the house, too. It's common for gutters to come a bit loose during a storm. Simply tightening a few gutter bolts can greatly reduce the risk of roof damage. Clogged gutters, during any season, have the potential to cause damage to your roof, so the best option is to simply keep a close eye on your gutters all year 'round.

2. Trim tree branches near your roof

Since we live in the Midwest, we're bound to have a few rough storms throughout the summer season. The best way to proactively protect your roof from storm damage is to prune overgrown trees so they don't present as a potential risk during the next summer storm.

3. Snap a picture

Put that smartphone in your pocket to good use! If you know your roof is in excellent shape, take a few pictures from every angle. Now you have a fool-proof way to keep track of any changes to the health of your roof.

We share this roofing care advice with you because we know if you are able to complete a yearly maintenance check up on your roof, you can really save a good chunk of change.

If you don't feel comfortable climbing up on a ladder and doing this roof inspection yourself, don't hesitate to give us a call, we are more than happy to talk with you about what your roof needs.

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3 Tips For Getting Your Moneys Worth Out of Your New Roof

Make the most of your new roof

You just got your roof replaced. Now, depending on what roofing material you chose for your roof, a new roof should last your home 20+ years. Our local Minneapolis clients often ask us:

Are there ways we can help our roof reach it’s maximum lifespan?

We love hearing this question. We always tell folks the best, basic ways to care for their roof (read all about them here), but for you homeowners who are serious about getting your money's worth out of your new roof, here are our top three tips for making your investment in your roof last as long as possible.

1. Check your attic ventilation

Without proper attic ventilation, there's a pretty good chance your roof might start aging prematurely—no one wants that! During our usual hot and humid (and typically mosquito-infested) Minnesotan summers, the temperature in an attic with poor airflow can easily pass the 100-degree mark. Temperatures like this can be brutal for anyone to bear—the same goes for your shingles.

According to The Federal Housing Administration, they recommend a minimum of at least one square foot of attic ventilation for every 300 square feet of attic space. For example, if your attic is around 600 square feet, you'll need about two square feet of ventilation.

2. Roofing insulation makes difference

When you think it's hot outside, chances are, the temperature your roof is experiencing is much hotter. When your roof sits cooking in the afternoon, summer sun, the roof transfers radiant heat to objects below, like your attic. Insulation in your roof will not only help keep your entire house cooler, it will also help keep the heat down on the roof, thereby helping the roofing material last longer.

3. Invite a roof professional over

When was the last time you had your roof professionally inspected? To help prolong the life of your roof, mark your calendar, and have your roof professionally inspected every couple of years. Many roofing experts suggestion every two to three years is optimal for maintenance care. When you have your roof inspected every couple of years, you'll have the opportunity to have small roof repairs done, like resealing weak spots or replacing damaged shingles.

Are you living in Minnetonka, Edina, Eden Prairie, St. Paul, or anywhere in between? Don't hesitate to give us a call at 952.935.0557.

7 Questions To Ask Yourself About Your Home’s Windows (Before Our Next Minnesota Winter!!)

Is it time to replace your windows?

Grab a cup of coffee, take a stroll around your home, and let’s talk about your windows for a minute. Here are seven important questions to ask yourself about your home’s windows.

  1. Are your windows more than 10 years old?
  2. Is there fog between the panes of glass?
  3. Do you feel a steady draft of air leaking in?
  4. Did your windows ice over or rattle during this past winter?
  5. Are your windows difficult to open or close?
  6. Are your windows only single pane windows?
  7. Are your monthly energy bills getting higher and higher and more expensive?

If you answered "yes" to more than half of these questions, it might be time to consider replacing your home’s old windows. Replacing your windows can feel like a big decision, but Grussing Roofing—your locally owned, Minneapolis roofing contractor—is here to help you every step of the way.

Investing in new, energy-efficient windows for your home might be the single best investment you can make for the winter ahead of us. New windows have insulating glass technology designed to eliminate drafts—and less drafts will mean a more manageable heating bill during the next Minnesota, polar vortex.

If you think it may be time to replace the windows on your home, give us a call. We’ll be happy to come out to your house and take a look. We give our customers our professional and honest opinion, every time so you can make the best decision for your home.

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Does Your Roof Have Hail Damage?

What a summer it’s been so far! Water has overtaken our lakes, parks, backyards, and even our basements. These days, when it rains, it really seems to pour. And this can be problematic, especially for the wellbeing of your home.

With all the extreme storms we've been experiencing here in Minnesota, it's more important than ever for home owners and commercial spaces to keep a close eye on the health of your roof.

3 simple ways to look for roof hail damage

There are three major signs to look for when inspecting your roof for hail damage: bruising, cracking and missing granules from the asphalt shingles.


When hail hits your roof, it can create a deep dent, a “bruise”, in the shingle. Keep in mind that hail dents are not always easy to spot. Try running your hand over the shingles to feel for small dents in the surface. If you feel a dent, apply pressure to the dent and see if it gives at all. If it does, this means the shingle is showing signs of deterioration.


Cracks are generally easier to spot than shingle bruising. Climb up on a ladder and take a quick assessment of your roof to see if you can spot any signs of cracking in your roof. If the hail is large enough and hits hard enough, it can make a circular crack in the shingle.

Missing granules

Look around for missing pieces in the asphalt of your roof. To do this, look for areas on the shingles where the black substrate is exposed. Take a look at the photo above for an example of what this can look like.

If you think your roof might have hail damage, it's best to take care of it immediately before the problem gets worse. Don't hesitate to give us a call over here at Grussing Roofing. We're always happy to come out and have a look or answer a question over the phone!

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Is It Time To Replace Your Roof? 3 Roof-Repair Signs To Watch For

Is it time to replace your roof?

It’s been an extraordinarily long Minnesota winter, even for the toughest among us. But now that sunshine, clear skies, and warmer days are upon us, it’s the perfect time to pull out your trusty, stable ladder and climb up to take a good look at your roof. Think this winter was roughfor you? Just imagine how tough it must have been on your roof!

Three roof-repair signs to watch for

1. Curling shingles

Once you are up on that ladder, take a few moments to visually inspect your roof’s shingles. How do the shingles look? Are the sides curling at all? If so, this is a typical sign of roof wear and it’s a clear sign of roof wear.

2. Granule loss 

Next, take a peek in your gutters. Do you see excessive amounts of shingle granules sitting in the gutter? (Shingle granules look like large grains of sand). If you do spot some, this is another sign of advanced roof wear.

3. Leaky roof

Is there a spot inside your home were you experience consistent roof leaks? If this is case, this is something you’ll definitely want to get a professional roofer to take a closer look at.

If you have questions about whether it’s time to get a new roof, go ahead and give us a call here at Grussing Roofing. We’re happy to schedule a time to come over and take a look at your roof. We pride ourselves on providing friendly, professional, and honest advice.

Are you living in Chanhassen, Edina, Minnetonka, Golden Valley, or anywhere in between? Don’t hesitate to give us a call at 952.935.0557.

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What Kind of Roofing Material Should You Choose When Replacing Your Roof?

What roofing material should you choose? 

Your home is one of the biggest investments you have. So when you are looking to replace your roof, it’s extremely important you choose quality-roofing materials. If you’re looking to save a few dollars on cheaper shingles, our best advice is: don’t do it. It won’t be worth it in the long run, promise.

As a baseline, we always recommend that folks choose an architectural roofing shingle. These shingles are moderately priced and typically last 20+ years. Architectural roofing shingles are made with copper granules, which mean they hold up well against algae and prevent streaking. Also, an architectural roofing shingle is a champ when it comes to holding up against hail and high winds.

Depending on the style of your house, there are countless types of high-quality shingles for you to choose from. From heavier weighted shingles to designer shingles—you’ll have plenty of options to achieve the desired look for your roof.

No matter what type of shingle you end up choosing, our team here at Grussing Roofing only works with the highest quality of manufacturers. We partner with reputable companies who are proud of their product and will faithfully stand behind it no matter what.

If you have roofing questions or are interested scheduling a free estimate to determine the cost for your next project, go ahead and give us a call!

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